Making Your First Professional PhotoBook | Part I | Print Research
It costs a crapload to produce a high quality photo book. Which is relative, of course, if you have that silver spoon then drop that cash. I

How to Get Inspired
It's 2pm. As I order a second Stella at a dive bar in Brooklyn, a dozen story ideas swim around in my head. 80s music plays in the...

How to Make a Viral Video: Lesson 1
But the need to understand and make viral videos was not reserved for your neighbor - or your 16 year old cousin trying to become the next J

How to Get Bigger Budgets for Freelancers - Negotiating with Networks
The assets and variables that you, as a freelancer, can use to your advantage when negotiating larger budgets are 1) Experience & Quality of

How to Edit Documentary-Style Pieces
It's all about prep-work and and being organized. The Puzzle Pieces approach. This piece of advice best suits video producers getting...

Cómo Redactar Propuestas y Vender Historias a Cadenas Internacionales.
El contacto directo es lo de menos. Con un portafolio decente y un buen "pitch" cualquiera puede vender historias a las cadenas más...

Entre la Tragedia y lo Trivial y Cómo Sobrevivo en Ambas
"En Venezuela voy de la tragedia a lo trivial porque en ambos escenarios hay historias que contar" Desde el más particular punto de vista...